Golden Glow’s debut, Tender Is The Night is an upbeat Brit-pop album swarming in romance. Whether on the album’s more pop-based tracks (“Adore Me” “Locked Inside” “Books”) or the more hazy meditations (“The Blizzard” “On My Own”), Pierre Hall proves that you do not need million dollar studios or technically perfect performances to capture meaning and feeling in music. To say the recordings are raw is to do story of this album’s creation a disservice. After suffering a serious car accident that left him unable to walk for close to six months, Pierre Hall created Golden Glow, wrote the songs, and forced them onto his four-track with pure determination. When finished, he toyed with the idea of re-recording the songs in a cleaner studio. Then he thought of releasing the songs in their original form but limiting the outlet and calling them demos, but everyone who heard the tracks gave the same advice. Don’t ruin the magic was captured on that four-track. Don’t clean-up the charm. Release the music as it is. Tender Is The Night is the result.